Fused is now on Arefaktor radio!
A month ago I made a rash announcement that TFWP would be taking a break – ostensibly after the loss of our wonderful cat, Professor Yaffle, who was hit and killed by a car. This…
Thermionic Valve Powered Amplification For The cognoscenti of All Things Electronic
A month ago I made a rash announcement that TFWP would be taking a break – ostensibly after the loss of our wonderful cat, Professor Yaffle, who was hit and killed by a car. This…
From Thursday 14th September ‘The Fused Wireless Programme’ will be coming to you from ‘Fylde Coast Radio’ continuing our fortnightly rotation thereafter. Not only have we moved station, and day, but we will be going…
Sadly, our association with Globegogradio.com is coming to an end. Our host and benefactor are shutting down the studio after five years providing a platform for shows like Fused, doing it for the love without…